Charlotte Shannon-Geddes

In this project, entitled Teenage Dating Violence, I hope to show the types of abusive relationships that 33% of teenagers in America have experienced. This project was inspired by artists such as Donna Ferrato and first-hand relationships with friends. I seek to address how easily teenage dating violence (TDV) is hidden from friends and family, but more importantly, explore the various aspects of abuse that many teenagers face, and the impacts on their mental health. I decided to focus more on female experiences with abuse and how this trauma affects teenage girls as it is what I have witnessed with my friends. I hope to shine a light on what is overlooked, and what many girls cannot speak up against. This project was made to make you feel uncomfortable.

Charlotte Geddes was born in New York City and has lived primarily in Manhattan for her entire life. They are 16 years old and attend public high school. She has participated in a lot of activism, working with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights and Planned Parenthood—experiences that impacted the way she takes photographs. She uses photography to show general-population topics that are often overlooked in her age group, including drug abuse and teenage dating violence. Charlotte is currently a student in the International Center of Photography’s Teen Academy Imagemakers program.