ICP Teen Academy
Chloe Luterman

My personal vision project, Hereditary, explores how my family history and heritage has shaped who I am and how I see the world. This project is inspired by my Jewish ancestors who immigrated to New York City from Latvia, Poland, and Austria while fleeing rising antisemitism in Europe prior to World War II.
I was influenced by artist Anthoula Lelekidis, who utilizes archival images to connect with her ancestors through a therapeutic artistic process. The subjects of my project include myself and my immediate family members juxtaposed against, influenced by, and reimagined as the images from archival family photos spanning more than 100 years.
By revisiting the sites where these photos were originally taken, these reconstructions illustrate a journey through intergenerational narratives, with the intention of creating new value for and insight into these personal inherited histories. This project also challenges me to revisit and reimagine our initial ICP Teen Academy Imagemakers self-portrait assignment. By combining fragments of my own photographs together with family photographs, reassembling and reworking them, I construct new images that bridge the gap between time periods.