ICP Teen Academy
Elijah “The Liar” Chapman

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Amerikkka, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under !$@, indivisible, with liberty and ?ustice for €%£. This graphic imagery is imprinted in the eyes of our youth—lessons learned to save thou from ?ustice and a rat race filled with one species. Our country was created with the ideal of freedom coming first, a hierarchy run by the Amerikkkan people. But growing up in Amerikkka, I have learned that not all Amerikkkan people are subject to Amerikkkan rights. I have learned that this hierarchy was created by the majority at the expense of the minority. I have learned that power is a birthright and freedom is a privilege. This project shares my perspective on the Black Amerikkkan experience and our history in the land of the free. This is our country in Black & White—the way it has always been.