ICP Teen Academy
Genesis Castro

This project looks at a focused composite of myself. It is about the details and fragments of my physical body and internal emotions that are conveyed when I speak and express myself. Yet, in this endeavor towards self expression, I become mentally blocked; unable to articulate myself or string my thoughts into words. This barrier between my inner self and the world leads to frustration, confusion, and insecurity. It also becomes a hindrance towards my emotional connection with others. This project explores those emotions as well as the extremities we sometimes fall into during introspection. But it also explores the sort of beauty I have found in this style of communication, as it forces me to be more creative and attain deeper understanding before I can truly express myself.
Genesis Castro is a photographer and student based in Jersey City, NJ. She currently attends McNair Academic High School. Genesis began photography in her sophomore year as a way to seek a new perspective in art and as an expressive outlet. She has taken several Teen Academy seasonal courses at the International Center of Photography and is currently in the yearlong Imagemakers program in hopes of expanding her process in the form of longer projects. Her photographic work focuses on self reflection and identity, and all of her images are made on an iPhone. Her professional aspirations lie in the curatorial practice and she plans to study Art History at Northwestern University beginning Fall 2022.