Marco Syrett

New York City is a grid. An array of century-old rectangles, with sidewalks and streets cleaving neighborhoods and districts. Despite the physical closeness this grid provides for different communities, it also allows for a clean, systematic division of social statuses and races. One very visible difference in how these groups are treated is in the amount of greenspace they’re given, or lack thereof. In my project I explore this disparity and how it makes poor neighborhoods and industrial sites synonymous. In any borough of New York you can find gaping empty spaces and large open lots, blocked off from the people who are most deprived of parks and green infrastructure. These spaces are what inspired my project. 


Marco Syrett grew up in Brooklyn surrounded by the contrast of industrial architecture and lush parks. He discovered photography as a child, and is inspired by his father and mother’s work as an architect/botanist and jeweler respectively. Syrett takes classes at the International Center of Photography, and attends NYC iSchool. He focuses on themes of nature, industrialism, and surrealism.